OLED DISPLAY EASY carries a 128 x 64px blue monochrome passive matrix OLED display



- OLED DISPLAY EASY carries a 128 x 64px blue monochrome passive matrix OLED display. The display is bright, has a wide viewing angle and low power consumption.

- Application: Ideal for displaying bright and crisp text or icon

- On-board module: SSD1306 controller, 128x64px monochrome pasive matrix OLED display

- Interface: GPIO, SPI, I2C

- Input Voltage: 5V,3V3

- Board Size(mm): 49x28mm


- OLED DISPLAY EASY carries a 128 x 64px blue monochrome passive matrix OLED display. The display is bright, has a wide viewing angle and low power consumption.

- Application: Ideal for displaying bright and crisp text or icon

- On-board module: SSD1306 controller, 128x64px monochrome pasive matrix OLED display

- Interface: GPIO, SPI, I2C

- Input Voltage: 5V,3V3

- Board Size(mm): 49x28mm

View detail

1. Introducing of OLED DISPLAY EASY

OLED DISPLAY EASY or ATC-E16 is one of EASY BOARD series designed by AT-COM base on feature of OLED module. Product use Oled module with 128x64 individual white OLED pixel, each one is turn on or off by controller chip, you can be used either an SPI or I2C interface-selectable by soldering two jumpers on below. We hope you will like this miniature display for its crispness.

2. Schematic


3. Feature

Module ATC-E16

ATCBus Socket

ATCBus is a data bus allow connect multiple hardware together and it’s easier for using and research. “Plug-and-Play” with extremely compact. It’s compatible with most of current protocol of electronic products

Oled operate at 1.65V~3.3V, with ATC-E16, module was designed at 3.0V, and we use TJ62FP30GSF IC of HTC, which can supply power 0V@250mA.

Some feature of TJ62FP30GSF

  • Input Operating Voltage Range: 2.5V to 10V
  • 1µA typical Quiescent Current
  • ±2% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Stable with 1µF MLCC
  • Output current up to 250mA
  • Over current protection
  • Moisture sensitivity level 3

Logic voltage level selection

To communication to outside module, we design ATC-E16 can communication with two logic level is 3.3V or 5V for users. As default, ATC-E16 uses 3.3V logic level.

To change logic level, we desolder 0Ω resistor and solder to desire position



ATC-E16 allow user using ethier SPI or I2C to communication with outside module.

- To operating Oled, please keep RST logic High, set Low when reset.

- SPI interface: Soldering three 0Ω resistor to the left.

  • DC pin is Data/Command pin. Set Low to send Command, Set High to send Data.

- I2C interface: Soldering three 0Ω resistor to the right.

  • DC pin is bit address of slave address I2C of OLED.
  • Keep CS Low when using I2C.

4. Dimension

5. Video

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