It's time to transform transport

Your city is unique. And with that comes a unique set of challenges. But, in some ways, it's probably like many cities around the world. More people in cities are traveling on public transport and they expect more from the experience. New technologies are all around them but haven't made it into transport networks in many cases. What's the answer and who's going to do something about it?

 Your passengers expect more

Whether passengers use public transport occasionally or often, they all want a smoother journey. With contactless technology coming to the fore around the world, queuing and paying at limited locations for a ticket or to top up a pass seems a little outdated. It’s particularly frustrating if you’re used to paying for things with just a tap of your phone or contactless card. In a 2011 survey*, 60% of people said they’d like to see contactless payments replace cash in transport*.
* Visa/Incite Contactless Research Poland, Turkey and UK, April 2011
